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Who we are 

Creating A Church Safety/Security Team


Never before in the history of law enforcement have we ever witnessed so much violence targeted at elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, colleges, and universities.  And now houses of worship have become the new “soft target.”  They are named this because the intended targets are unsuspecting and helpless to defend themselves.


Richard Bargas Sr. has been in law enforcement for over thirty years.  And as a former pastor recognizes the need to assist churches with tools and the training to start their own safety team.  The safety team is made up of church members in the medical field and the security team is made up of law enforcement members who just want to be available to defend the church body against an active aggressor attack.  Should the church body not have the availability to recruit any law enforcement members to the team, it will be necessary to establish a security team made up of civilians.


Bargas established a safety team at two of his home churches, one in California and one in Louisville, Kentucky.  I have shared my security expertise with several local churches and in other states as well. He created a safety team policy manual with security procedures.


He has provided training and ways to set up a safety team.  He also shares ways to identify possible threats and dangers to the churches.  Which makes them harder targets to attack. 


Many insurance agencies encourage churches to establish a safety team.


As a member of IFCA, he intends to continue this service as a consultant that will provide the training to establish a safety team for churches interested establish a team of their own.

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